The school board governance role centers on improving student learning outcomes. The Washington School Board Standards provide a common framework for school board governance for local school boards and directors in which our school board sets its annual goals.
Standard 2: Set and communicate high expectations for student learning by adopting a collaboratively developed district strategic plan focused on learning and achievement outcomes for each and every student.
The board will:
- Formulate and maintain a current strategic plan with vision, mission, goals, and measurable outcomes in collaboration with staff and the community.
- Incorporate educational research, local issues, educational legislative initiatives, and national and global trends in the district strategic planning process.
- Ensure that partners, staff, and all segments of the community have easy access to and understand the vision/mission/goals articulated in the district strategic plan.
- Base its ongoing policy development, decision-making, and budgeting on the district strategic plan.
- Continually monitor implementation of the district strategic plan and progress toward the plan’s goals and outcomes
Standard 2: Set and communicate high expectations for student learning by ensuring non-negotiable goals for student achievement are established and aligned with the district’s strategic plan.
The board will:
- Agree with the superintendent on non-negotiable student achievement goals and review them regularly.
- Use the strategic plan and its non-negotiable goals to drive board decisions and actions.
- Regularly review disaggregated data to continually monitor district progress toward non-negotiable goals to ensure they remain the driving force behind every action.
Standard 5: Engage the local community and represent the values and expectations they hold for their schools by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
The board will:
- Provide leadership on educational issues important to the community and advocate on behalf of students and the district.
- Actively pursue growth in its cultural proficiency including cultural, racial, and ethnic understanding and sensitivity.
- Establish partnerships to promote and expand educational opportunities for each and every student.
- Foster partnerships with a diversity of community organizations in the use of facilities and sharing of services
- Maintain legislative awareness and communicate with local, state, and federal governments in its advocacy role.
- ollow an established process for referring citizens with questions, concerns, comments, or feedback to the appropriate personnel and following up appropriately
Student board representatives created goals based on the Foundations of Oak Harbor Public School's new strategic plan.
Foundation 1: Strong Teaching & Learning Systems
Student board representatives will:
- Provide rigorous learning experiences that empower all students by meeting with the superintendent, director of teaching and learning, and elementary principals to design and implement a Since Time Immemorial (STI) experience field trip to Deception Pass.
- Monitor and expand inclusive practices for all students to increase belonging and meet student needs by working with high school leadership students to finalize the Oak Harbor Public Schools Land Acknowledgement and present to the school board.
Foundation 2: Strong Family & Community Partnerships
Student board representatives will:
- Establish consistent, ongoing opportunities for community engagement on important topics by aligning student board reports to the strategic plan and engage community as encouraged partners in student belonging.
- Host an ESD 189 regional retreat with student board representatives. This will include:
- Planning the retreat with ESD Superintendent and AWSP Managing Director, Greg Barker.
- Connecting with identified ESD student representatives to plan the one-day retreat
Foundation 4: Strong Culture of Inclusion, Safety, & Belonging
Student board representatives will:
- Implement a Superintendent Student Advisory Group by working with the superintendent to establish a groups at Oak Harbor High School and North Whidbey Middle School.
- Meet 4 times per year
- Ground work with the student vision experience