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School Board Goals

Board Goals

The school board governance role centers on improving student learning outcomes. The Washington School Board Standards provide a common framework for school board governance for local school boards and directors in which our school board sets its annual goals.


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Standard 1: Provide responsible school district governance

The board will:

  • Establish a student-led work group to identify sustainability goals to bring to the school board for policy considerations.
  • Individually and collectively adhere to best practices in leadership behavior as identified in the board operating procedures.


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Standard 2: Set and communicate high expectations for student learning

The board will:

  • Oversee the development of a comprehensive strategic plan grounded in student voice in partnership with #ONEOakHarbor by spring of 2024.
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Standard 3: Create conditions district-wide for student and staff success

The board will:

  • Oversee responsible management of federal and state-funded capital construction projects.
  • Maintain transparent and conservative management of fiscal budget in alignment with board policy.
  • Promote a physically and emotionally safe and inclusive learning environment that promotes a sense of belonging for every student and staff member.
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Standard 4: Hold school district accountable for meeting student learning expectations

The board will:

  • Direct the Superintendent to provide the school board with quarterly disaggregated data reports on academic and Social and Emotional Learning progress.
  • Direct the Superintendent to lead the development and work of the strategic plan by spring 2024.
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Standard 5: Engage local community and represent the values and expectations they hold

The board will:

  • Elicit community engagement in the development of the strategic plan.
  • Provide ongoing opportunities to seek community feedback on fiscal resources.
  • Continue collaborative partnership and engagement with the District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC) focused on student achievement and wellbeing.