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The Oak Harbor Educational Foundation

Supporting Oak Harbor Students & Teachers  

Take action to help us grow

Graduation Ceremony

What We Do:

The Oak Harbor Educational Foundation awards tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships each year to college-bound Wildcat seniors, and provides applied learning grants to teachers throughout the Oak Harbor School District.

Our History:

The Oak Harbor Educational Foundation was formed by caring citizens in 1992 to benefit education in Oak Harbor Schools. OHEF is a private non-profit corporation and all contributions are tax deductible. The citizen board of directors oversees the use of funds and ensures they further the mission of the Foundation

We Help:

OHEF awards over $70,000 in college scholarships and over $15,000 in grants to teachers annually.

College Friends

Take Part

OHEF depends on funds raised through annual events, one-time donations, annual donors and endowments which are invested to support ongoing scholarships and programs.

2023 in Numbers




In Scholarships 


Teacher Grants 

$1 million in scholarships since 1992


OHEF generously supports innovative school projects that would not otherwise be possible. I've been fortunate to have them as partners for two public art and poetry grants, resulting in the installation of student-initiated artwork downtown on Pioneer Way. The Foundation's vision, and commitment to our schools, makes applied learning tangible for our kids and our community.”

Erika Crandall Jenkins, M.Ed.

Secondary English Instructor

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