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Superintendent's Goals

Superintendent's Goals

The superintendent is evaluated by the school board using a standards-based framework developed in partnership with the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA) and the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA). The following goals were approved for the superintendent in 2023.


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Standard 1: Mission, Vision, and Core Values

GOAL Strategic Planning: The superintendent will oversee the implementation of the Strategic Plan that will be grounded in student voice and create our vision, mission, and accountable action plan to hold all stakeholders accountable for student success. 

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Standard 2: Equity and Cultural Responsiveness

GOAL 1 MTSS: The superintendent will oversee and support the professional development and implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Systems that create educational equity for academic, behavior, and emotional success for all students. 

GOAL 2 Student Voice: The superintendent will implement continuous opportunities for students to provide input on belonging and learning through school linkages. Data will be shared with the board and used in our work with the Strategic plan development. 

GOAL 3 Data: The superintendent will implement data snapshots to share with the school board that will unpack, celebrate, and identify academic achievement, behavior data, and social-emotional support.

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Standard 3: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

GOAL Instructional Reviews: The superintendent will implement ongoing instructional reviews connected to the district goals of MTSS and SEL. Instructional reviews will view classroom practices, work with MTSS and SEL, and the CEL 5D Instructional Framework. These data snapshots will support the district improvement for student success and identify areas of improvement across our system. 

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Standard 4: Community of Care and Support for Students

GOAL 1 Overall Safety and Well-Being: The superintendent will continue to work with facilities and technology to implement secure and single points of access throughout our district.

GOAL 2 #OneOakHarbor: The superintendent will continue to work on creating a culture of positivity and support for all members of our #OneOakHarbor community.

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Standard 5: Professional Capacity of School Personnel

GOAL MTSS and SEL: The superintendent will ensure that ongoing professional development and support are provided and focused on the MTSS and SEL work of our district including:

  • Staff professional learning and support
  • BEST practices grant for new staff
  • Administrators calibration of instructional leadership with CEL 5D
  • Leadership development with directors and principals
  • Strengthening our work as Cabinet
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Standard 6: Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community

GOAL Agency in Communication: The superintendent will create systems of authentic and reciprocal communication for our community stakeholders including families, community members, and business partners.

  • Annual progress report
  • DPAC (District Parent Advisory Committee)
  • Presentations at social organizations
  • Staff meetings
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Standard 7: Operations and Management

GOAL 1 Sound and Transparent Fiscal Management: The superintendent will host community information events throughout the year to share the annual operating budget and receive feedback and input from the community to inform best practices and uphold our fiduciary responsibility to our community.

GOAL 2 Budget Reductions: The superintendent will direct the work of budget reductions in order to create a more sustainable funding model and balance our revenue and expenditures for a conservative and responsible operating budget

GOAL 3 Construction: The superintendent will oversee the federal and state school construction grants to ensure we are within budget and on time with Hand-in-Hand/Homeconnection and Crescent Harbor Schools.

GOAL 4 Recruiting and Retaining Staff: The superintendent will work with Human Resources to ensure best hiring practices for a diverse pool of applicants that reflects the culture and diversity of our school demographics. New staff will be mentored and supported throughout their transition.

GOAL 5 Long Range Facilities Planning: The superintendent will work with Facilities and Maintenance and Business and Operations to create a small committee responsible for overseeing the long-term feasibility work and present the school board with short and long-term planning for future school construction and/or remodeling.

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Standard 8: Collaboration with the Board

GOAL Board and Superintendent Relationships: The superintendent will work closely with the board Model Policy 1620 Board-Superintendent Relationship to establish open and honest communications that reflect best practices and support the growth of the board as a whole.